Posted 25 April 2017, 2:19 pm NDT
NOTICE TO NUNATSIAVUT BENEFICIARIES IN NORTH WEST RIVER AND SHESHATSHIU: This year's seal kits for the Northern Contaminant Program Project have arrived. If you are going seal hunting in the near future and would like to get a kit, please notify us through Facebook, or call 897 7229. There are only 10 kits, so it will be first come-first serve. If you've never used the kits before, all of the instructions are available. If you successfully complete the kit, you will receive $120.
Posted 21 April 2017, 10:48 am NDT
Please be advised that Little Sabby River is washed out. Snowmobile travelers, please be cautious of this area.
Posted 10 April 2017, 3:09 pm NDT
Beneficiaries of the Labrador Inuit Lands Claims Agreement are welcome to attend an Open House to meet with the President and Ministers of the Nunatsiavut Executive Council.
The Open House will take place in Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NL on April 19, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. at the Labrador Friendship Centre Multi-Purpose Room located at 49 Grenfell Street.
For more information please contact:
Debbie Dicker
1-866-922-2942 ext. 223.
Posted 03 April 2017, 1:18 pm NDT
The Nunatsiavut Executive Council (President and Ministers) will hold an open house on Wednesday, April 5th at the Kinsman Centre at 7:00 p.m. Come out and ask questions, get information.
Refreshments will be available.
Posted 28 March 2017, 11:21 am NDT
Dear Nunatsiavut Beneficiaries in North West River and Sheshatshiu,
I am extremely proud to have been elected as the new Sivunivut Inuit Community Corporation Chairperson. I believe it is a privilege to be in a position to make a wonderful community an even better place to live.

I've only started my position with the Nunatsiavut Government a little while ago, but I've already talked to several beneficiaries as well as our Program Coordinator and have gotten some great ideas on how to move...
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