Sivunivut Name and Logo
In December of 2006, the NWR ICC issued a call for suggestions for an official name of the Inuit Community Corporation and an official logo by means of a Name & Logo Contest. Ads were circulated around town with the information on the name and logo contest for the NWR ICC. There were two separate contests, Name of the Corporation and Corporation Logo, each with a $100 prize.

On February 1, 2007 the Name and Logo for the NWR ICC were selected.
Katherine Baikie Pottle was the winner for the name contest
with a submission of "Sivunivut" which means "Our Future"; this was the unofficial name of the Corporation until a general meeting of the NWRICC changed the by-laws. In February 2008, the Board of Directors passed a resolution to change the name of the Corporation to Sivunivut Inuit Community Corporation Inc. This began the process of officially changing it's name.

In the April 2008 sitting of the Nunatsiavut Assembly, First Minister Tony Andersen, brought forth the motion of the name change, seconded by Chairperson Ed Tuttauk. The motion was accepted by the Assembly, officially changing the name of the corporation to Sivunivut Inuit Community Corporation Inc.

The winner for the logo contest was Ataomie Blake. The logo represents our past; indicated by the Trapper's Tilt, a shelter erected by trappers along their trap lines. The ulu represents our Inuit values and ancestry; and the salmon indicates the importance this species has in our lifestyles. Both winners received a $100 prize for their winning submissions.

Sivunivut Inuit Community Corporation would like to thank both Ataomie and Katherine for their submissions and providing a true identity to our Inuit Community Corporation.
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